Woody is a Golden Retriever puppy. He was born February 4, 2016 - so we were able to adopt him at the end of March.
He is settling into his new home(s) and into his official work position as the Casa Greeter and Host. He is learning these responsibilities well and is waiting to greet you when you arrive. He is very friendly and loves to be petted.
Of course puppies (and our guests on his behalf!) have a few rules to observe.
- Petting is encouraged.
- But NO human food allowed. Absolutely no feeding Woody from the dining room tables nor from your own food supply. We do have puppy treats you can have for him, and only to reward good behavior.
- Please help us keep Woody in the Courtyard. Unfortunately there are many critters outside that we do not want him to encounter (snakes, skunks, bobcats, coyotes, javalinas, etc etc) - so please keep the back gate closed and the puppy inside the courtyard.
- Please also help us train Woody not to go to the parking lot where a puppy might get squished by a car. Please do not let him follow you to your car if he is playing in the back yard (we will be with him, but he loves every guest and wants to play with them).
- IF you are bringing a pet (prior approval required!) the pet must have all required immunizations (up to date).
- If you see any hazards that Woody might run into please let us know immediately!
- As we are training Woody to respect the breakfast hour by taking his morning nap in the foyer (and not being underfoot nor tempting you to feed him at the table!). So if he is taking his nap when you arrive for breakfast, please let him sleep. Play time is after breakfast.
Thanks for all of your name recommendations. We had over 300 name submissions for the puppy. Two of our guests did nominate Woody as the best name for our new puppy.
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